Cat articles

Cat articles

Here you can read all sorts of blog articles with information about cats and kittens! What they can and cannot eat, how old different breeds get, what type of cats that fit certain types of humans, and much more!

Can cats eat kebab meat?

Can cats eat kebab meat?

Kebab meat is far too dangerous for a cat to eat. It’s way too greasy and way too spicy to be considered anything but harmful for a cat’s digestive system. Keep in mind kebab is often served with bread – and bread isn’t good for cats either. We all know […]

Can cats eat sloppy joes?

Can cats eat sloppy joes?

Cats shouldn’t eat sloppy joes. Most sloppy joes are cooked rare and cats should always eat meat cooked well-done. This also has one too many ingredients that are considered dangerous for cats. Even if a little bit won’t hurt that much, it’s better not to risk it. Similar to hamburgers, […]

Can cats eat slim jims?

Can cats eat slim jims?

You shouldn’t give Slim Jims to your cat. Even a tiny piece of it can bring big trouble for your little furry friend. Slims Jims are made with ingredients that can (and will) hurt a cat’s stomach if they eat it. It can also be a choking hazard! Cats should […]

Can cats eat kippers?

Can cats eat kippers?

Cats can eat kippers – but not the ones that are sold for human consumption. If you want to give kippers to your cat, you need to buy them raw and cook them yourself. Canned kippers have too much salt and oil for a cat to eat. Unfortunately, you cannot […]

Do cats eat jewelry?

Do cats eat jewelry?

Cats don’t intentionally eat jewelry but can sometimes swallow jewelry by accident when playing with it. If your cats like to play with jewelry, you need to make sure all jewelry is off-limits. Cats cannot digest precious metals or similar stuff. If your cat tries to eat a piece of […]

Can cats eat hedgehog food?

Can cats eat hedgehog food?

It’d be better if your cat didn’t eat hedgehog food. Your cat needs cat food – and that’s what it should get! A one-time’s worth of your cat eating hedgehog food won’t hurt, but it’s better not to create bad habits. Whenever you can, make sure you feed cat food […]