Author: John Alba

Will cats eat you if you die?

Will cats eat you if you die?

Cats get a bad rep when it comes to eating their dead owners – but it’s not as common as people make it out to be. Even though there are some news stories about it, they are all isolated incidents. Your cat isn’t plotting to eat you! The weird truth […]

Will cats share a litterbox?

Will cats share a litter box?

Multiple cats can share one litter box – but it’s not recommended for you to own just one. There are two reasons behind that: first, you definitely don’t want to clean one big litter box, as they will fill up fast; second, cats are rather territorial with things like that. […]

Will cats overeat?

Will cats overeat?

Cats tend to overeat. Even though it depends on each cat and their love for food, most of them will keep eating as long as you keep serving food. That’s why you need to keep the cat food under control. When it comes to cats out in nature, they get […]

Will cats keep snakes away

Will cats keep snakes away?

There’s a big chance having one or more cats around will keep snakes away. Keep in mind you can drive a few snakes away; if you have a snake infestation going on, there’s no cat in the world that can help you – that’s a job for pest control! Cats […]

Will cats scratch leather?

Will cats scratch leather?

There’s a high chance your cat will try to scratch leather if there’s nothing else available. Cats need to use their paws every once in a while – and not doing so could prove harmful for their health. If there’s no other alternative, leather will be used as a scratching […]

Will cats jump off a balcony?

Will cats jump off a balcony?

Your cat won’t jump off a balcony willingly – but accidents can happen. Cats love to sit in high places and enjoy the view. Usually, nothing happens other than that. But if a cat gets startled, it may try to jump away and land on the wrong side of the […]