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Can cats eat fake crab?

Can cats eat fake crab?

More likely than not, fake crab is okay for cats to eat in small amounts. You should check the package to rule out any toxic ingredients that’d harm a cat. Other than that, a little imitation crab every now and then wouldn’t hurt your cat. Fake crab meat is nothing […]

Can cats eat farro?

Can cats eat farro?

A little bit of farro won’t hurt your cat but it probably won’t help your cat either. Farro is an ancient grain – and it has the same attributes as any other grain does. You can mix farro with cat food to try something new – but not something permanent. […]

Can cats eat farina?

Can cats eat farina?

There’s no issue with cats eating plain farina. Other than the taste of it, really. Most cats, if not all, aren’t that interested in grains and food that comes from grains. Worst-case scenario, your cat will take longer than normal to digest it! Your cat can have a little bit […]

Can cats eat ferret food?

Can cats eat ferret food?

There’s no problem with your cat having a little bit of ferret food. Ferrets are carnivores, even more so than cats. Ferret food is a great source of protein, even better than cat food is. There’s no problem with your cat having some – but don’t let it overindulge! Oddly […]

How do cats age?

How do cats age?

A cat goes through six life stages. They begin as a kitten, move onto their junior year after six months, enter their adult years at two years old, become mature at seven years old, turn into seniors at ten years old, and reach the super senior stage after sixteen years. […]

Why do cats sneeze in your face?

Why do cats sneeze in your face?

There’s no particular reason why a cat would sneeze in your face. Your cat probably was about to sneeze and your face just happened to be at the wrong place. If you were up close with your cat, you might’ve tickled your cat’s nose and provoked a sneeze. If a […]